
Places i've been, people i've seen and/or things to do (in no particular order) ...

http://knowyourmeme.com/ for all the internet, pop culture trends
There is so much cool stuff at http://homokaasu.org/. Check out all the games in the gasgames section.
http://www.wordle.net/ for DIY word art
Newgrounds.com - more flash movies and games than you can shake a mouse at
Ever wonder what an albino blacksheep looks like?
Snopes gives the scoop on urban legends
Don't understand something about a Usenet newsgroup? RTFM.
This is the site that Steward built
Ramble's Poetry Corner
Escher online
ZeFrank makes some very nice games
Visit the psychiatric hospital for abused cuddly toys
how to make a celtic knot
If you feel the need to run in circles but want some variety why not walk a labyrinth?
The Onion- it's certainly a better read than CNN
Broken Newz- almost all the news that's fit to print
Electronic Frontier Foundation prints the rest of it
Fed up with your current ISP? Check out The List
or mebbe see what Herbison says is available.
Google is a great search engine, but you might want to look at altavista sometime for the soundfile search engine
Believe it or not, there are people actually offended by this site

Can you believe it? I have been barred from the "Satanic Hampster Dance". Sheeesh.
